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Showing posts from April, 2018

GURPS-compatible Printable Gaming Floors

I do love me some 3d-printable gaming terrain. It's the next step after using attractive miniatures or at least good-looking stand-up cardboard figures. The problem, alas, is that I play GURPS. GURPS uses a hex grid, while all the really good printable gaming terrain (or, indeed, basically all of the gaming terrain) like the lovely OpenForge is based on a square grid. So I had to create my own. What I've put together is a series of hex-gridded floor sections available over on Thingiverse . They're sorta-kinda semi-compatible with other gaming terrain so long as it doesn't have integral floors. For example, I'm using my floors with some OpenForge walls. They're scaled for 1" = one hex, as is only right and proper for GURPS. I've also created a few "area of effect" overlays to indicate things like an area of hexes which are on fire or protected by Dome spells. I'm not using them much so far, but I incorporated a f

Writing Historical RPGs, Doing Diversity

For a few years now, I've been seeing things like this and reading pieces elsewhere about apparent conflicts between historical accuracy in historical or pseudo-historical fantasy games and issues of deep interest to some parts (and some potential parts) of the modern gaming audience. I tend to write things which are both connected to history and are written to enable the fantasies of modern people, some of whom have a specific interest in not reproducing problematic parts of the past and present in their recreations, so it's something which touches on stuff that I do. And I think I tend to move and write in circles where this tends not to get much thought or attention even though I write for a game which makes accuracy a priority, so while none of this is new to people who grapple with these issues regularly, I'm thinking maybe I should say something about it to get it into spaces where I work. So, how do I approach the demands of both accuracy and diversity in the stuf

Selling Priceless Items

As part of something I'm working on, I've run into the question of "how much can you sell a priceless item for?" If you come across, say, Excalibur or the Ark of the Covenant in the course of an adventure and you want to sell it, the question becomes less how much people are willing to pay for it and more how much people are capable of paying for it. This is different from selling a large hoard of loot. If you come back to town with a wagon full of potions and magic swords and the like, merchants can split it all up into smaller lots broker multiple small transactions. Here, you have to find one person or entity with a large sum of money. So here's something I'm toying with for DF: Any item designated as "priceless" has a base value of $1m for purposes of figuring resale value. All modifiers for the seller's Wealth and that sort of thing still apply. That's the maximum value one can get in a typical Town. If the seller chooses to do so, how