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Showing posts from December, 2019

2d10 Peace On Earth And +3 To Goodwill To Men

It's only the 24th, but I think I already got the best present. Certain Happy Sorceresses to whom I am married turned up this little 24-drawer cabinet to use as an advent calendar. So what's in there? A die?  Dice? Lots of dice! Lots and lots of dice. d6s, d20, and everything else, even a d30. Individual dice and sets. Plastic, metal, wood, and stone. She's absolutely the best, and oh brave new world that has such dice in it.

Pyramid Dungeon Collection Reference List

As I've mentioned over on the forum, the Pyramid Dungeon Collection contains an article ("The Wellsprings of Creation") which fits most PDF-Pyramid and GURPS 4e fantasy locations and adventure locales not already spoken for (for example, nothing from Yrth is included) into a single game world. Here, for everybody's dining and dancing pleasure, is a list of what those are and which publications they're in. Amadan, Pyramid Dungeon Collection Amanapur, Pyramid Dungeon Collection Aquaclaro, Pyramid #3/40 Aulos, Pyramid Dungeon Collection Caerceol, Pyramid Dungeon Collection Caverntown, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Setting 1: Caverntown Devouring Lands, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 1: Mirror of the Fire Demon Echo Wall Mountains, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 2: Tomb of the Dragon King Empire of Thebor, Pyramid #3/41 Golden Geniza of Ezkali, Pyramid #3/38 Hellsgate, GURPS Locations: Hellsgate Kunruk, Pyramid Dungeon Collection Saroo, Pyramid Dungeon Collec...