Because I apparently have nothing better to do with my time (or rather, because I definitely have something better to do with my time and am therefore doing something else), more NPCs: Dwarf 1 ST 11; DX 10; IQ 13; HT 14 Per 13; Will 13; HP 11; Fatigue 13 Throwing Axe damage 1d+3 cut Cloth Armor DR 1 Speed 6.0, Dodge 9, Move 5 Parry 9; Block 10 (Small Shield) Advantages: Night Vision 5; Resistant to Poison +3; FP +2; Pickaxe Penchant; Lifting ST +2; DR 1 Disadvantages: Stubbornness; Greed (12); Move -1 Shield-12 Throwing Axe-11 Dwarf 2 ST 14; DX 11; IQ 11; HT 10 Per 11; Will 11; HP 14; Fatigue 16 Shortsword damage 2d cut; 1d imp Steel Laminate DR 5 Speed 5.25, Dodge 7, Move 3 Parry 9; Block 11 (Small Shield) Advantages: Night Vision 5; Resistant to Poison +3; FP +2; Pickaxe Penchant; Lifting ST +2; DR 1 Disadvantages: Stubbornness; Greed (12); Move -1 Shortsword-11 Shield-14 Dwarf 3 ST 9; DX 9; IQ 12; HT 11 Per 12; Will 12; HP 9; Fatigue 11 Shortsword damage 1d-1 cut; 1d-2 imp Leathe...