Chigan’s native religion acknowledges an indefinite but very
large number of gods. Mountains, winds, classes of plants and animals, stages
of life, strong emotions, and just about any other aspect of life and the
natural world has at least one god. There is some dispute over whether the god
of, say, the southeast wind as he is worshiped in one place is the same as the
god of the southeast wind in another but under a different name, a physically
separate aspect of a primal god of southeast winds (who is in turn an aspect of
an even more fundamental god of the winds), or an entirely separate entity. However,
the debate is largely scholarly, with most people worshiping the gods they grew
up with.
Practical aspects of religion concern the accumulation of what is
loosely called “benefit” or more commonly “virtue.” Virtue, in this context,
comprises a variety of good and selfless acts, physical and emotional
suffering, and esoteric meditation and practices. Different acts can provide
different kinds of virtue, which in turn are believed to grant different kinds
of moral and physical power, but there is significant overlap. For example, many
believe that, say, giving a bowl of rice to a poor person provides a certain
moral virtue, but giving up that rice from one’s own meal instead of eating it
provides a physical virtue as well (mere starvation because of poverty is
insufficient; self-denial must be a deliberate act).
When a soul acquires enough virtue, it ascends to a different and
eternal plane; there are several different such planes corresponding to
different types of virtue: scholarly, familial, martial, and so on. The
quantity of virtue necessary to do this, though, is vastly greater than most
people can accumulate in a single lifetime, so souls are reincarnated several
times before they can do so. Souls approaching transcendence are believed to
inhabit people in a position to accumulate more of the virtue they already
have. Monks and priests, for example, are often seen as reincarnated souls
which have accumulated “prayerful” virtues, while having a large family is seen
as both a cause and result of accumulated familial virtue.
As a consequence of the doctrine of accumulated virtue, practice
of the local religion is less focused on influencing the gods (though
cultivating their favor or at least not angering them is universally regarded
as a good idea) and more on exercises to acquire whatever types of virtue the
individual desires. Just about any action, if undertaken with a spiritual
mindset, might be regarded as suitable to gaining virtue. Many roadways, for
example, are maintained by the labor of volunteers seeking to better their
spiritual position. For those who can afford teachers, martial arts training is
a popular method of accumulating virtue, and many tiny highland monasteries
offer the opportunity to acquire both prayerful and martial virtue.