Clever readers will have realized that everything I've posted up to this point doesn't actually do anything. There's a bundle of classes and data representing everything from a pile of treasure down to details of decor, but what to do with it? Ultimately, all one needs to randomly generate a hoard is something like the code below, which generates a hoard of random items worth $2,000. For a bigger or smaller hoard, just change the value of hoard_val.
package hoardomatic;
public class goMonkeygo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double hoard_val = 2000.0;
Hoard avarice = new Hoard(hoard_val);
System.out.println(avarice.hoardReport() );
package hoardomatic;
public class goMonkeygo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double hoard_val = 2000.0;
Hoard avarice = new Hoard(hoard_val);
System.out.println(avarice.hoardReport() );